this is the third post of myself since very long.. and i hav no internet connection man! so im feeling sucky and grumpy now!! =(.. today starts off pretty well actually.. until i nid to rush back for korean class at 7pm.. its bloody rush because im at bugis at 6.30.. and dedric has to buy his grapics card.. so we cab from bugis.. its bloody expensive! 23bucks lahhh! we bloody get caught in the jam.. then the taxi driver super scary and RECKLESS.. i almost hav HEART ATTACK in his cab man! he accelerate and brakes very often and sudden.. so mi and dedric feels like vomit after the ride.. im feeling super scare cause he tailgates and cuts lane so fast.. and he even went so close to a lorry to stop him from turning in the lane.. DAMN UNFRIENDLY road user!!! im rushing for time but he's putting my life at risk.. and the best part is the korean class is POSTPONED!! the bloody CC gave us last minute notice.. wth lah! so we cab back and hav dinner at whitesands.. and THE BEST PART IS! i left my bloody hp in the cab! so im super kan jiong and we called the silvercab hotline.. luckily the cab driver brought it to the CC police center.. so i retrieved my phone there.. THANK GODDD MANNN!!! im so dulan and angry lah! but im glad i got my phone back! its really so important to mi man! anyways.. went to meet chariot, emili, and charlene with dedric.. ate at ajisen and drank coffee.. dint take photos cause i forgot.. opppss!! but still hav abit of photos..
