On 31 Dec 2008, i went to pierce my tongue.. omg! its damn bloody scary lah! first time sitting down at the piercing room.. clipping my tongue was damn painful.. and she was having slight difficulty piercing through my tongue.. the feeling sucks but i was so excited and its so fun.. Omg! cant speak well and eat were really torturing.. i was thinking its a good way to stop eating alot.. NO seafood, NO chilli, NO fried stuff!!! OMG! AND NO .......!!! its like wtf can i eat and do!? and i found the answer! carrot cake! was really happy i could eat something instead of drinking water and soya bean.. realised keeping quiet is damn fun( i had no choice!).. so i used more of my ears than my mouth.. just thought listening is a better choice for myself.. first 2 days my tongue was swelling.. felt that im always eating a sweet now.. and pple always HUH!? wtf u talking!? really hope i can speak better.. as my elective is public speaking! fuck! now i can eat normally already! OMG! hahas.. but i'll still try to balance my diet! =) before its too late!