Keith wongkoksin
Kar Yee
 Our Food!  My stupid face! i wasnt ready! im the pig~  im so hungry! ArggHH! Bite You! im the sotong~  her teddy bear jacket with the hoodie! fitting huh!? yeahh! i finally get to go out with huiqi!! hahas.. =) went to watch movie with her and her friends.. watch the movie 4bia! its a entertaining movie at first.. but its still horrifying lah! omg! i was so tense until my left side of the head pain.. =P must watch in movie then fun.. serious! went gaigai with huiqi around vivo! we are both hungry so went to eat.. hehe.. i went to buy the steamboat fish soup.. can share mah.. hahas.. its quite nice i think.. but i dunno why im so full, i could barely finish.. maybe when i see her, im filled of .... so im full rights? hahas.. =P so i see her then full le lo.. always like that.. good way to diet.. after the show we went to ang mo kio.. went to meet more of her friends and see them chit chat.. its pretty late so she hav to cab home.. i accompanied her home! so she accompanied mi to wait for bus.. cant bare to leave when the bus came.. hees.. when the second bus came i boarded the bus lo.. Home Sweet Home then! i had a great day with u!! its really fun and i could spend so much time with u.. im really happy! hahas.. =) are u? hees.. =P im tired because i had so much fun with u today.. and the rest of our days.. yupps! =) that moment we say goodbye, i will not forget! that moment kept mi accompanied through the whole train ride, till i reach paris ris, till i board my bus, till i reach home, even until now when i blogging, till the moment we stop breathing. =) 2229, 4 6477 968!
hmm.. woke up early in the morning 10am.. brush my teeth and went down to buy more ingredients! i just went down with my sleeping attire.. hahas.. =P bought cheese and sausages.. its secret recipe on how to prepare it! hees.. i ate like 4-5 eggs within 20-30mins.. Omg! now i see egg i wanna vomit! hahas.. but i still love eggs! yeahh! Its my first time cooking for someone! hees.. =) im glad u like it! =) really happy lah! hahas.. sat at the kopitiam under her block, talk alot and ate my lunch.. hahas.. around evening i left her place and went back pasir ris.. took some photos at the bus stop! hahas.. Its great to see you! =) Happy! went to ehub! downtown east and watch Death Race.. went with nick and jo.. the show not bad lah! i think 6bucks is worth catching the show.. anyways, its NC16, a little gore and violence.. quite nice lah! after the show went to meet sihui.. then slack near our house and chit chat.. kinda catch up with each other lo.. hahas.. its around 1am already! i nid to wake up at 8!! Omg!! It's a great day! =) tml will be another wonderful day with u.. hees.. yeahh! can meet u again! waa! =)
hahas! went out with qib, poh, and dom! =) suppose to reach at 2.30pm.. i was around 1 and half hour late.. thinking no where to go, and with limited budget.. we went to play bowling! haha! =) fun fun! nothing to do, we slack awhile.. awhile lata we decided to walk around in marina square.. we saw some mouse rest that look like breads! hahas.. super cute! after looking at the stuffs we left action city.. we were talking about the female shop attendant.. then suddenly someone suggested about asking number!! hahas! so we were like eh ask lah! for fun sia! then poh, qib and mi gave dom a bet! if he successful get the number, free dinner for him! poh taunted dom, then dom stupidly cannot tahan.. so he went to tried for his free meal.. hahas! answer shall not be revealed! =P long story lah! what a twist in the story! haha! anyways.. after that went to buy mac then take away so can slack outside.. we sat the park near esplanade to hav our dinner! talk and slack then went to take photos.. hahas! =) we took these photos in the lift of esplanade! and rooftop!
 hey guys! we're ready for supp paper!  our cute couple!  Mr Macho Vs The Shaolin Boy!  Qib finally smiles!!  im blinded by love! Omg! =P
 this is nice! 
Every single day that passes, I know i've fallen deeper for u..
ohh.. its a tiring day for mi.. kinda sleep at 6am in the morning when i hav paper at 2.30pm.. and the thing is i dint study the whole night.. the time just flew, seriously! woke up at 12pm, after 2 failures at 9.30am and 11am.. dragging my damn feet and prepare for sch.. i took quite awhile to consider what i should wear.. i did something before i left my room, i've got this feeling. i closed the door of my room, the feeling struck mi again! i knew it has came.. i was like hah, am i done!? i left my house eventually and went for my exams.. i really regretted for not studying.. everything is like in the damn lecture notes lah! i dun want supp paper! shit man! dint go anywhere, until nick called mi.. met jo and went his house for dinner and drink beer.. i ran to the bus stop, thinking that i would miss my last bus.. in the end, i waited for awhile.. i had some time so i think about some stuffs.. i thought i've lost this feeling long ago.. after that phone call, im sure i've got it back.. to myself, i said, hah, im sure. i realise something for myself.. if i love someone, i feel jealous and i dislike it! i dun wanna lose her. and it is these damn feelings.. but im sure it is signs of falling in love with u.. aint i? and if i could say this, its alrights! with a smile. i asked myself, do i really care for u? then i smiled to myself.. this will be the one, if i miss it, the next time will be after i graduated from polytechnic. i sweared. =) i pressed play on my mp3, my earpiece was unplugged. it took mi around 20secs to realised it. Nicely distracted. Lastly, i realised i cant lose u. =)
oh yeahh! has been awhile since i blog.. haha! hmm.. having my exams now, my c maths paper ended on friday.. i screwed up that paper lah! dunno can pass anot.. having papers on monday and tuesday then holidays! yeahh! but im sure im done for these 2 papers.. anyways.. i did try to study.. these are evidences!! i was at changi airport attempting to study! but im so tired! i look shag.. Damn it! =P
im at coffee bean! hees.. Mocha Large! =) hoping my exams can end asap! not forgetting to pass my exams lah! hahas.. hmm.. i wanna go out!! haha! wo chi chu, wo chi chu, wo chi chu!!! =P.. idiot! haiz.. anyways.. i just cant deny it.. its better to let it out.. rights? hahas.. =) glad u understand.. and thats all i ever need.. thank you! =)
hey hey! today i went to the mac beside the lake..
so im at the lakeside studying with huiqi and her friends.. went to eat mac there and study lo.. i cant finish my meal.. its the first time lo.. i dunno why also.. maybe im excited.. =x bored of studying so mi and huiqi watch Saw 1 on pps.. hahas! =P during the show, we had some commercial breaks.. Its the Phototaking Session! =)

we're so xing fu rights? doesnt we..? hehe.. yupps! these photos can do the talking of my feelings already! can u feel them? =) hmm.. it is really great to spend time with u.. though we may stay far but we could be so near when we find each other in our heart.. =) i know im slow.. but i just want to have more time to let u and mi, to be sure and prepared.. i guess i have tell u some of my matters.. hmm.. today i dint take the flower and ask u the question.. because i believe u deserve more than that, more than just a casual question and a paper flower.. It's a question and an answer which i'll give u my 100%.. i believe that i shld ask u with sincerity and assurance.. wo xi wang ke yi zhen shi yu ren zhen de wen ni.. =) 69 3275464, 4 6477 968!
hmm.. today is pretty a bad day for mi though.. its about temper management! i still manage to stay my cool towards my friends.. except for one case.. which is being annoyed by a stranger.. i was so so so damn angry, pissed off, irritated by him.. It's huiqi godfather lah! anyways.. im not angry with huiqi.. just pissed off with her godfather.. who is he to interfere with my personal affairs.. i seriously hate pple to control my life and what i wanna do.. and he is not related to mi lah! as if he's my parents.. he called and asked mi to stop msging her.. im like wth lah! please lah! doesnt he knows privacy and freedom.. i hav all the rights to msg her lah! and im not harrassing her lo.. he still hav the cheeks to say why her inbox alot of my msges.. im like so!? msg only mah.. why must he bother so much.. even intrude her privacy and read her msges.. its such a disrepectful act and he'a already a 30-40plus man! omg! before he finishes his talking, he says some dialect in hokkien.. which i couldnt really understand.. omg! i think is ask mi be careful or what lah! he sounds like the typical uncles who sit at coffee shops and talk cock! i dunno why he gave mi this feeling.. hmm.. he msg mi.. very funny izzit? im quite impressed with his izzit.. why cant he use is it? anyways.. i replied him.. ohh.. there's nothing hilarious about my msg, and u dun hav the authority to voice out anything.. im alittle affected and down but im pretty fine now already.. after sorting the problems and did some precious talking! =) was really glad with everything falls out fine now.. just hope that he doesnt call mi again.. if he call again, i swear i'll swear at him.. depends on my mood.. hehe.. =P hmm.. just dun care bah.. also dun wanna trouble huiqi.. =) both parties are affected and doesnt feel good.. i will show u my understanding and empathy.. just like how u show mi ur understanding and empathy towards mi! =) cant be selfish rights.. hahas! =)
woke up at around 11.30am..
was pretty surprised because i slept at 7am.. my pimples greeted mi early in the morning, as i hav insufficent sleep! hmm.. was hoping for the msg.. i thought she would be waking up early.. i remember what was the thing im supposed to do in friday le.. i told dedric that i'll be going boon lay in the afternoon then meet him after his work and go home together.. yeahh! finally remember.. i know its something important de lo.. but nv lah.. cuz go boon lay also nothing to do.. hehe.. =x hmm.. instead i got 8 missed calls and sms from jo and nick.. we were planning to go eat sushi buffet.. but its cancelled lah! because jo cant make it.. so we went to coffee bean at ehub instead.. wanted to study but instead cant concentrate lah! was distracted by the webcam and im surprised i hav internet access there.. webcam the whole so called study session.. webcam is so fun with her! =)
finally receive the msg.. before my mahjong game ends.. it did brighten up my day! haha! =) dint eat the whole day until i reach home at 12plus am lo.. huiqi tempt mi with mac lah! HUH! omg! my dinner kinda sucks! sian.. i want eat mac! i want eat sushi! =)
Omg! Hot Shot is such a awesome taiwan drama lah! i just love it so much! hahas.. how i wish i could finish watching the whole show at one go.. just cant wait for the next episodes to be out.. hmm.. the show make mi so touch and emo lah! i dunno why.. haha.. anyways.. i like the show Hot Shot, and the actors as well.. =) their acting made mi felt really gan dong(touched).. this week is so busy lah! and so stressed! got work to do and i hav to manage my money well.. i want to go out, eat, and hav fun! but i hav to go facial every week, it costs mi 30bucks lah! how!! i want to go for facial, but its really expensive.. =( i might be dropping the idea to go facial i guess.. hmm.. just gonna consider again! =) ArgghhH! Omg! im so affected by the show! hmm.. i felt it.. Will i feel it again? haha! why? Omg!
Hmm.. the 2 hours ride to and back was a fruitful one.. though its long journey, its not boring at all.. besides the company of my phone.. it made mi think through my stuffs.. i was accompanied with my thoughts and thinkings.. i began to think about what im doing.. i realised that slowly i am becoming to lose my abilities to thinking sensibly and logically.. Omg! i really afraid.. i thought i could manage my feelings well.. there are consquences and issues to consider.. i think i shld give myself a little more time, im worry im not prepared.. i just want to be sure.. From my past incidents and experiences, im a little afraid and unconfident but im sure its something to look forward to and consider! =)
Hmm.. today was supposed to accompany nick cut hair..
then salon nv open so we decided to go marina square to see fireworks.. was thinking to go town and feel the atmosphere of National Day.. anyways.. Happy Birthday Singapore! in the end its cancelled so no one pei mi to city hall.. wanna go meet huiqi before the fireworks start.. since its cancelled, i dun hav to rush back lo.. haha! its just an hour ride.. lesser than i expected! =) then can spend time at jurong point! omg! sounds so far.. was really happy that u can go out and watch movie.. was surprised as well.. thanks for today! =) i manage to eat XXL chicken, extra chilli powder! Hot & Spicy! mi, huiqi and her sis went to watch movie together.. Journey to the center of the earth.. its quite cool and thrilling.. think 3D sure very nice lah! after that we went to eat at pizza hut..

wow! has been quite awhile since i blogg! =) many many things happened.. and i shall post them all together.. shld be long.. shall start with the celebration of qib's birthday! friends and i went to seoul garden.. qib was a noob! hahas.. =P hmm.. lets see the photos.. credit to mr Royston Poh! Happy 18th Birthday Mr Muhammad Aqib!  this looks like shit but its really nice.. Black Pepper Beef! =)  Cooking.  Candid.  i hav 2 girlfriends!! we know.. haha!  Im not dumb! its raw meat! Damn it POH!
Poh is a good ice cream man..(left) Sick boy on the right..
the guy who pay 14 bucks and eat a plate of rice w chicken wings and hotdogs!
its pretty late in the night now.. twilight before sunrise.. =) hmm.. went to watch Money No Enough 2.. ohh man! its awesome; funny and touching.. i love the movie as well as my accompanies.. anyways.. the entrance of the movie was damn cute! i laugh till my face cramps and felt numb.. the way they exaggerate stuffs and the dialect they used.. Super Super Funny lah!! Jack Neo is awesome and cool! i shed tears when the scenes was so touching.. showing how much a parent can sacrifice for their children.. i think many pple cry lah! its so close to heart when they use the relation of a parent and child.. hmm.. this is roughly how i felt for the movie.. dun wanna share too much.. might be a spoiler.. haha! =P hmm.. anyways.. went to watch movie with many many pple., Omg! dint kinda expect it, they were nicholas, mi, huiqi, and 6 of her friends.. dun really know their name.. but i know one is called miss shagua! hehe.. sorry for not knowing u guys name.. anyways, my name is keith aka koksin! =) reach there late, around 5plus close to 6pm.. luckily we got the timeslot for 8.15pm.. 5.45, 6.00, 715pm was full... Omg! we got the first row.. haha! we got some time so nicholas, mi and huiqi went to eat!! yeahh!! first meal of my day! chicken chop w extra rice, soup and cheesy fries.. went to walk walk at heeren and cineleisure.. seriously nid to digest, so damn full lah! HMV was so big.. haha! spend our time there listening to music.. hmm.. so i've a little lovely and sweet gift from huiqi.. haha! =) shy lah! its a box of cookies and cream puffs handmade.. =) i love the gift u gave.. was really touch actually! thank you and appreciate ur efforts! its the first time i receive a box of cookies and puffs! Omg! ahhh~~ so paiseh man! anyways.. they taste really good.. hmm.. because they are somehow different? haha! =P i guess the process was hard for u.. i wanna say the outcome was great! the movie was gonna start, so we went back to cine.. up the escalator, nicholas saw fireworks from marina square i think.. it was the rehearsal i guess.. we get to watch them beforehand.. haha! the fireworks was fascinating and pretty! haha! recorded it down! =) together with her friends we went to catch the movie, laughed and cried.. i parted with them at city hall.. hmm.. thanks alot for the company and great knowing u guys! i wanna thank her sister as well.. haha! for saving mi! =P finally, huiqi thank you for ur company too and the lovely gift.. =) took the train and headed east back home..
Next movie, Money No Enough 2.. just catch the movie The Mummy.. its rather humorous and really amazing graphics displayed.. i dun really know much about the storyline of story 1 & 2.. but 3 was entertaining and cool.. went to watch with nicholas, tricia, rebecca and mi.. haha! suppose to hav johan, rui xiang and tim lah! but they find marina square too far, in short lazy lah! hehe.. took cab to buy the tickets with nicholas.. its 17bucks.. Omg! hmm.. was a little late for the movie! nvm.. =) a movie u can enjoy in the cinema, not much twists in the movie though.. some funny stuffs happened lah! then i got trick by rebecca when came back form toilet! like omg! im so damn stupid lah! we are in threate 4, but im not sure so i ask which one are we in.. then i say is it 3? she said NO, 4 lah! so i ohhh! then i went in lo.. then the threate was so quiet and dark.. so she said, Eh, this is threate 5 leh.. omg!! i ran out lo.. then SHIT lah! its threate 4 for god sake! kana trick by her.. wth! sian.. another incident is nicholas kana kp by an auntie for shaking/kicking the chair too much! haha! hmm.. so after the movie.. went to buy donuts for tim!! It is Timothy's Birthday! OMG! HAPPY 18th Birthday!! donuts aint expensive, thoughts count.. haha! =) so went back to paris ris and went xing wang.. meet tim and johan at the cafe and wanted to eat.. dint get anything, tim and johan just got milo dinosaur and lychee ice blended.. guess the donuts have filled my stomach! went to rebecca's house nearby, then nicholas tham and ivan came.. so sat down, slack and chit chat lo.. after having great conversations and talks, went home lo.. took bus home, on the way i could meet cherlyn at her workplace.. so just alight from bus and went home together in cabby! ermm.. the company pay for it.. haha! so i passed her the organic honey and went home.. Omg!! So broke.. thats why going to watch Money No Enough 2! hehe! =)
 Our Food!  My stupid face! i wasnt ready! im the pig~  im so hungry! ArggHH! Bite You! im the sotong~  her teddy bear jacket with the hoodie! fitting huh!? yeahh! i finally get to go out with huiqi!! hahas.. =) went to watch movie with her and her friends.. watch the movie 4bia! its a entertaining movie at first.. but its still horrifying lah! omg! i was so tense until my left side of the head pain.. =P must watch in movie then fun.. serious! went gaigai with huiqi around vivo! we are both hungry so went to eat.. hehe.. i went to buy the steamboat fish soup.. can share mah.. hahas.. its quite nice i think.. but i dunno why im so full, i could barely finish.. maybe when i see her, im filled of .... so im full rights? hahas.. =P so i see her then full le lo.. always like that.. good way to diet.. after the show we went to ang mo kio.. went to meet more of her friends and see them chit chat.. its pretty late so she hav to cab home.. i accompanied her home! so she accompanied mi to wait for bus.. cant bare to leave when the bus came.. hees.. when the second bus came i boarded the bus lo.. Home Sweet Home then! i had a great day with u!! its really fun and i could spend so much time with u.. im really happy! hahas.. =) are u? hees.. =P im tired because i had so much fun with u today.. and the rest of our days.. yupps! =) that moment we say goodbye, i will not forget! that moment kept mi accompanied through the whole train ride, till i reach paris ris, till i board my bus, till i reach home, even until now when i blogging, till the moment we stop breathing. =) 2229, 4 6477 968!
hmm.. woke up early in the morning 10am.. brush my teeth and went down to buy more ingredients! i just went down with my sleeping attire.. hahas.. =P bought cheese and sausages.. its secret recipe on how to prepare it! hees.. i ate like 4-5 eggs within 20-30mins.. Omg! now i see egg i wanna vomit! hahas.. but i still love eggs! yeahh! Its my first time cooking for someone! hees.. =) im glad u like it! =) really happy lah! hahas.. sat at the kopitiam under her block, talk alot and ate my lunch.. hahas.. around evening i left her place and went back pasir ris.. took some photos at the bus stop! hahas.. Its great to see you! =) Happy! went to ehub! downtown east and watch Death Race.. went with nick and jo.. the show not bad lah! i think 6bucks is worth catching the show.. anyways, its NC16, a little gore and violence.. quite nice lah! after the show went to meet sihui.. then slack near our house and chit chat.. kinda catch up with each other lo.. hahas.. its around 1am already! i nid to wake up at 8!! Omg!! It's a great day! =) tml will be another wonderful day with u.. hees.. yeahh! can meet u again! waa! =)
hahas! went out with qib, poh, and dom! =) suppose to reach at 2.30pm.. i was around 1 and half hour late.. thinking no where to go, and with limited budget.. we went to play bowling! haha! =) fun fun! nothing to do, we slack awhile.. awhile lata we decided to walk around in marina square.. we saw some mouse rest that look like breads! hahas.. super cute! after looking at the stuffs we left action city.. we were talking about the female shop attendant.. then suddenly someone suggested about asking number!! hahas! so we were like eh ask lah! for fun sia! then poh, qib and mi gave dom a bet! if he successful get the number, free dinner for him! poh taunted dom, then dom stupidly cannot tahan.. so he went to tried for his free meal.. hahas! answer shall not be revealed! =P long story lah! what a twist in the story! haha! anyways.. after that went to buy mac then take away so can slack outside.. we sat the park near esplanade to hav our dinner! talk and slack then went to take photos.. hahas! =) we took these photos in the lift of esplanade! and rooftop!
 hey guys! we're ready for supp paper!  our cute couple!  Mr Macho Vs The Shaolin Boy!  Qib finally smiles!!  im blinded by love! Omg! =P
 this is nice! 
Every single day that passes, I know i've fallen deeper for u..
ohh.. its a tiring day for mi.. kinda sleep at 6am in the morning when i hav paper at 2.30pm.. and the thing is i dint study the whole night.. the time just flew, seriously! woke up at 12pm, after 2 failures at 9.30am and 11am.. dragging my damn feet and prepare for sch.. i took quite awhile to consider what i should wear.. i did something before i left my room, i've got this feeling. i closed the door of my room, the feeling struck mi again! i knew it has came.. i was like hah, am i done!? i left my house eventually and went for my exams.. i really regretted for not studying.. everything is like in the damn lecture notes lah! i dun want supp paper! shit man! dint go anywhere, until nick called mi.. met jo and went his house for dinner and drink beer.. i ran to the bus stop, thinking that i would miss my last bus.. in the end, i waited for awhile.. i had some time so i think about some stuffs.. i thought i've lost this feeling long ago.. after that phone call, im sure i've got it back.. to myself, i said, hah, im sure. i realise something for myself.. if i love someone, i feel jealous and i dislike it! i dun wanna lose her. and it is these damn feelings.. but im sure it is signs of falling in love with u.. aint i? and if i could say this, its alrights! with a smile. i asked myself, do i really care for u? then i smiled to myself.. this will be the one, if i miss it, the next time will be after i graduated from polytechnic. i sweared. =) i pressed play on my mp3, my earpiece was unplugged. it took mi around 20secs to realised it. Nicely distracted. Lastly, i realised i cant lose u. =)
oh yeahh! has been awhile since i blog.. haha! hmm.. having my exams now, my c maths paper ended on friday.. i screwed up that paper lah! dunno can pass anot.. having papers on monday and tuesday then holidays! yeahh! but im sure im done for these 2 papers.. anyways.. i did try to study.. these are evidences!! i was at changi airport attempting to study! but im so tired! i look shag.. Damn it! =P
im at coffee bean! hees.. Mocha Large! =) hoping my exams can end asap! not forgetting to pass my exams lah! hahas.. hmm.. i wanna go out!! haha! wo chi chu, wo chi chu, wo chi chu!!! =P.. idiot! haiz.. anyways.. i just cant deny it.. its better to let it out.. rights? hahas.. =) glad u understand.. and thats all i ever need.. thank you! =)
hey hey! today i went to the mac beside the lake..
so im at the lakeside studying with huiqi and her friends.. went to eat mac there and study lo.. i cant finish my meal.. its the first time lo.. i dunno why also.. maybe im excited.. =x bored of studying so mi and huiqi watch Saw 1 on pps.. hahas! =P during the show, we had some commercial breaks.. Its the Phototaking Session! =)

we're so xing fu rights? doesnt we..? hehe.. yupps! these photos can do the talking of my feelings already! can u feel them? =) hmm.. it is really great to spend time with u.. though we may stay far but we could be so near when we find each other in our heart.. =) i know im slow.. but i just want to have more time to let u and mi, to be sure and prepared.. i guess i have tell u some of my matters.. hmm.. today i dint take the flower and ask u the question.. because i believe u deserve more than that, more than just a casual question and a paper flower.. It's a question and an answer which i'll give u my 100%.. i believe that i shld ask u with sincerity and assurance.. wo xi wang ke yi zhen shi yu ren zhen de wen ni.. =) 69 3275464, 4 6477 968!
hmm.. today is pretty a bad day for mi though.. its about temper management! i still manage to stay my cool towards my friends.. except for one case.. which is being annoyed by a stranger.. i was so so so damn angry, pissed off, irritated by him.. It's huiqi godfather lah! anyways.. im not angry with huiqi.. just pissed off with her godfather.. who is he to interfere with my personal affairs.. i seriously hate pple to control my life and what i wanna do.. and he is not related to mi lah! as if he's my parents.. he called and asked mi to stop msging her.. im like wth lah! please lah! doesnt he knows privacy and freedom.. i hav all the rights to msg her lah! and im not harrassing her lo.. he still hav the cheeks to say why her inbox alot of my msges.. im like so!? msg only mah.. why must he bother so much.. even intrude her privacy and read her msges.. its such a disrepectful act and he'a already a 30-40plus man! omg! before he finishes his talking, he says some dialect in hokkien.. which i couldnt really understand.. omg! i think is ask mi be careful or what lah! he sounds like the typical uncles who sit at coffee shops and talk cock! i dunno why he gave mi this feeling.. hmm.. he msg mi.. very funny izzit? im quite impressed with his izzit.. why cant he use is it? anyways.. i replied him.. ohh.. there's nothing hilarious about my msg, and u dun hav the authority to voice out anything.. im alittle affected and down but im pretty fine now already.. after sorting the problems and did some precious talking! =) was really glad with everything falls out fine now.. just hope that he doesnt call mi again.. if he call again, i swear i'll swear at him.. depends on my mood.. hehe.. =P hmm.. just dun care bah.. also dun wanna trouble huiqi.. =) both parties are affected and doesnt feel good.. i will show u my understanding and empathy.. just like how u show mi ur understanding and empathy towards mi! =) cant be selfish rights.. hahas! =)
woke up at around 11.30am..
was pretty surprised because i slept at 7am.. my pimples greeted mi early in the morning, as i hav insufficent sleep! hmm.. was hoping for the msg.. i thought she would be waking up early.. i remember what was the thing im supposed to do in friday le.. i told dedric that i'll be going boon lay in the afternoon then meet him after his work and go home together.. yeahh! finally remember.. i know its something important de lo.. but nv lah.. cuz go boon lay also nothing to do.. hehe.. =x hmm.. instead i got 8 missed calls and sms from jo and nick.. we were planning to go eat sushi buffet.. but its cancelled lah! because jo cant make it.. so we went to coffee bean at ehub instead.. wanted to study but instead cant concentrate lah! was distracted by the webcam and im surprised i hav internet access there.. webcam the whole so called study session.. webcam is so fun with her! =)
finally receive the msg.. before my mahjong game ends.. it did brighten up my day! haha! =) dint eat the whole day until i reach home at 12plus am lo.. huiqi tempt mi with mac lah! HUH! omg! my dinner kinda sucks! sian.. i want eat mac! i want eat sushi! =)
Omg! Hot Shot is such a awesome taiwan drama lah! i just love it so much! hahas.. how i wish i could finish watching the whole show at one go.. just cant wait for the next episodes to be out.. hmm.. the show make mi so touch and emo lah! i dunno why.. haha.. anyways.. i like the show Hot Shot, and the actors as well.. =) their acting made mi felt really gan dong(touched).. this week is so busy lah! and so stressed! got work to do and i hav to manage my money well.. i want to go out, eat, and hav fun! but i hav to go facial every week, it costs mi 30bucks lah! how!! i want to go for facial, but its really expensive.. =( i might be dropping the idea to go facial i guess.. hmm.. just gonna consider again! =) ArgghhH! Omg! im so affected by the show! hmm.. i felt it.. Will i feel it again? haha! why? Omg!
Hmm.. the 2 hours ride to and back was a fruitful one.. though its long journey, its not boring at all.. besides the company of my phone.. it made mi think through my stuffs.. i was accompanied with my thoughts and thinkings.. i began to think about what im doing.. i realised that slowly i am becoming to lose my abilities to thinking sensibly and logically.. Omg! i really afraid.. i thought i could manage my feelings well.. there are consquences and issues to consider.. i think i shld give myself a little more time, im worry im not prepared.. i just want to be sure.. From my past incidents and experiences, im a little afraid and unconfident but im sure its something to look forward to and consider! =)
Hmm.. today was supposed to accompany nick cut hair..
then salon nv open so we decided to go marina square to see fireworks.. was thinking to go town and feel the atmosphere of National Day.. anyways.. Happy Birthday Singapore! in the end its cancelled so no one pei mi to city hall.. wanna go meet huiqi before the fireworks start.. since its cancelled, i dun hav to rush back lo.. haha! its just an hour ride.. lesser than i expected! =) then can spend time at jurong point! omg! sounds so far.. was really happy that u can go out and watch movie.. was surprised as well.. thanks for today! =) i manage to eat XXL chicken, extra chilli powder! Hot & Spicy! mi, huiqi and her sis went to watch movie together.. Journey to the center of the earth.. its quite cool and thrilling.. think 3D sure very nice lah! after that we went to eat at pizza hut..

wow! has been quite awhile since i blogg! =) many many things happened.. and i shall post them all together.. shld be long.. shall start with the celebration of qib's birthday! friends and i went to seoul garden.. qib was a noob! hahas.. =P hmm.. lets see the photos.. credit to mr Royston Poh! Happy 18th Birthday Mr Muhammad Aqib!  this looks like shit but its really nice.. Black Pepper Beef! =)  Cooking.  Candid.  i hav 2 girlfriends!! we know.. haha!  Im not dumb! its raw meat! Damn it POH!
Poh is a good ice cream man..(left) Sick boy on the right..
the guy who pay 14 bucks and eat a plate of rice w chicken wings and hotdogs!
its pretty late in the night now.. twilight before sunrise.. =) hmm.. went to watch Money No Enough 2.. ohh man! its awesome; funny and touching.. i love the movie as well as my accompanies.. anyways.. the entrance of the movie was damn cute! i laugh till my face cramps and felt numb.. the way they exaggerate stuffs and the dialect they used.. Super Super Funny lah!! Jack Neo is awesome and cool! i shed tears when the scenes was so touching.. showing how much a parent can sacrifice for their children.. i think many pple cry lah! its so close to heart when they use the relation of a parent and child.. hmm.. this is roughly how i felt for the movie.. dun wanna share too much.. might be a spoiler.. haha! =P hmm.. anyways.. went to watch movie with many many pple., Omg! dint kinda expect it, they were nicholas, mi, huiqi, and 6 of her friends.. dun really know their name.. but i know one is called miss shagua! hehe.. sorry for not knowing u guys name.. anyways, my name is keith aka koksin! =) reach there late, around 5plus close to 6pm.. luckily we got the timeslot for 8.15pm.. 5.45, 6.00, 715pm was full... Omg! we got the first row.. haha! we got some time so nicholas, mi and huiqi went to eat!! yeahh!! first meal of my day! chicken chop w extra rice, soup and cheesy fries.. went to walk walk at heeren and cineleisure.. seriously nid to digest, so damn full lah! HMV was so big.. haha! spend our time there listening to music.. hmm.. so i've a little lovely and sweet gift from huiqi.. haha! =) shy lah! its a box of cookies and cream puffs handmade.. =) i love the gift u gave.. was really touch actually! thank you and appreciate ur efforts! its the first time i receive a box of cookies and puffs! Omg! ahhh~~ so paiseh man! anyways.. they taste really good.. hmm.. because they are somehow different? haha! =P i guess the process was hard for u.. i wanna say the outcome was great! the movie was gonna start, so we went back to cine.. up the escalator, nicholas saw fireworks from marina square i think.. it was the rehearsal i guess.. we get to watch them beforehand.. haha! the fireworks was fascinating and pretty! haha! recorded it down! =) together with her friends we went to catch the movie, laughed and cried.. i parted with them at city hall.. hmm.. thanks alot for the company and great knowing u guys! i wanna thank her sister as well.. haha! for saving mi! =P finally, huiqi thank you for ur company too and the lovely gift.. =) took the train and headed east back home..
Next movie, Money No Enough 2.. just catch the movie The Mummy.. its rather humorous and really amazing graphics displayed.. i dun really know much about the storyline of story 1 & 2.. but 3 was entertaining and cool.. went to watch with nicholas, tricia, rebecca and mi.. haha! suppose to hav johan, rui xiang and tim lah! but they find marina square too far, in short lazy lah! hehe.. took cab to buy the tickets with nicholas.. its 17bucks.. Omg! hmm.. was a little late for the movie! nvm.. =) a movie u can enjoy in the cinema, not much twists in the movie though.. some funny stuffs happened lah! then i got trick by rebecca when came back form toilet! like omg! im so damn stupid lah! we are in threate 4, but im not sure so i ask which one are we in.. then i say is it 3? she said NO, 4 lah! so i ohhh! then i went in lo.. then the threate was so quiet and dark.. so she said, Eh, this is threate 5 leh.. omg!! i ran out lo.. then SHIT lah! its threate 4 for god sake! kana trick by her.. wth! sian.. another incident is nicholas kana kp by an auntie for shaking/kicking the chair too much! haha! hmm.. so after the movie.. went to buy donuts for tim!! It is Timothy's Birthday! OMG! HAPPY 18th Birthday!! donuts aint expensive, thoughts count.. haha! =) so went back to paris ris and went xing wang.. meet tim and johan at the cafe and wanted to eat.. dint get anything, tim and johan just got milo dinosaur and lychee ice blended.. guess the donuts have filled my stomach! went to rebecca's house nearby, then nicholas tham and ivan came.. so sat down, slack and chit chat lo.. after having great conversations and talks, went home lo.. took bus home, on the way i could meet cherlyn at her workplace.. so just alight from bus and went home together in cabby! ermm.. the company pay for it.. haha! so i passed her the organic honey and went home.. Omg!! So broke.. thats why going to watch Money No Enough 2! hehe! =)
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hey hey!!once again has been so long since i blog!...
Today's Special Main Course!Keith and Peiwen! =)We...
This is the birthday girl Ah Hui!!Happy Birthday ...
I HATE MACCC!!!MAC makes mi fat!high in fats, carb...
NO SIGNBOARD!!Our Towkay in yellow! Mr Li Chang!Th...
Welcome Our AugustBaby! Timothy Yeo!! =)Our surpri...
Lovely First Month Anniversary! =)Had dinner at th...
This post is BEFORE AND AFTER!to see if there is a...
im gonna blog about peiwen and mi.. =)thanks for a...
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