oh yeahh! finally can blog.. haha! hmm.. brother got my modem lah! anyways.. get to know a new friend from online.. so we kinda meet up with hui qi and went to watch movie with her sister as well.. my friend, nicholas was meeting an online friend as well.. so we kinda met and hav movie together.. with timothy and his friend.. so together we went to watch x files i want to believe! wanted to catch hellboy2 but left only the first row! sad lah! i shall leave it to the ending of my post to say about the movie.. the day was pretty fun and interesting.. haha! kinda meeting someone u dunno, yeah, its that kind of uncertainty feeling.. nervous and yet looking forward to.. glad mine was much better than nicholas's.. im sorry for being such a bastard to say this.. but its kinda relieve lah! hahas.. so watch movie together, ate at Billy Bombers, went to Suntec City's arcade.. we took some photos as well.. haha! =) pretty enjoyable day and had lots of fun.. great to know u and u're really easy to talk to and friendly.. its my pleasure to know u and laugh together.. and thanks for the ice cream.. haha! could hav been better if the fireworks rehearsal was not cancelled lah! The picture of mi waiting for my ice cream waffle at Billy Bombers..
My ice cream! where's my ice cream!?

Guess the food is yummy! Hui Qi and Me, before departing! =)

Her sister and her..
Me and my buddy, nicholas! LOL..
This picture shows what happen when u wanna take a photo but the bus has arrived at the bus stop and u wanna say EH!, the bus come le! Omg!
Finally about X files: i want to believe.. hmm.. kinda not really interesting.. just a serial murderer who is gay and wanna help his gay partner.. he did some stuffs lah! killing pple and gathering body parts.. which i think is the main part of the story.. so obviously he did something with the parts and stuffs.. and a man with psychic powers who can feel some visions of the murder scenes.. they investigate and stuffs, and a little religious stuffs as well.. hmm.. so its quite boring at previous scenes.. towards the end is quite thrilling and where all the story falls into place and the answer reveals.. i think its not worth my ten bucks for the movie at all! maybe 6 is okay, haha! not what i really expected though.. the movie is a little disappointing from i thought..