Keith wongkoksin
Kar Yee
Ohh man! Movies coming soon! Gonna watch so many movies.. and im gonna be so broke.. but i dun care.. great to watch movie with many pple.. haha! The Mummy, Journey to the centre of the earth, Wall e, Money not enough.. but i guess most of my friends and i wont be staying out late i guess.. haha! at least im not gonna walk home alone, i'll take the last bus.. i dun care! had a gathering at michelle's house.. visit and play mahjong with her.. she stays at home the whole day.. she is so bored lah! ate many many stuffs.. Omg! i nid to exercise more! i wanna be tan! its such a fun and interesting day! my mild sore throat is such a hinder.. cant talk too much and laugh too pain.. though i hav sore throat, i still eat durian and chocolates! hope i can get well soon! =) hehe!
oh yeahh! finally can blog.. haha! hmm.. brother got my modem lah! anyways.. get to know a new friend from online.. so we kinda meet up with hui qi and went to watch movie with her sister as well.. my friend, nicholas was meeting an online friend as well.. so we kinda met and hav movie together.. with timothy and his friend.. so together we went to watch x files i want to believe! wanted to catch hellboy2 but left only the first row! sad lah! i shall leave it to the ending of my post to say about the movie.. the day was pretty fun and interesting.. haha! kinda meeting someone u dunno, yeah, its that kind of uncertainty feeling.. nervous and yet looking forward to.. glad mine was much better than nicholas's.. im sorry for being such a bastard to say this.. but its kinda relieve lah! hahas.. so watch movie together, ate at Billy Bombers, went to Suntec City's arcade.. we took some photos as well.. haha! =) pretty enjoyable day and had lots of fun.. great to know u and u're really easy to talk to and friendly.. its my pleasure to know u and laugh together.. and thanks for the ice cream.. haha! could hav been better if the fireworks rehearsal was not cancelled lah! The picture of mi waiting for my ice cream waffle at Billy Bombers..
My ice cream! where's my ice cream!?

Guess the food is yummy! Hui Qi and Me, before departing! =)

Her sister and her..
Me and my buddy, nicholas! LOL..
This picture shows what happen when u wanna take a photo but the bus has arrived at the bus stop and u wanna say EH!, the bus come le! Omg!
Finally about X files: i want to believe.. hmm.. kinda not really interesting.. just a serial murderer who is gay and wanna help his gay partner.. he did some stuffs lah! killing pple and gathering body parts.. which i think is the main part of the story.. so obviously he did something with the parts and stuffs.. and a man with psychic powers who can feel some visions of the murder scenes.. they investigate and stuffs, and a little religious stuffs as well.. hmm.. so its quite boring at previous scenes.. towards the end is quite thrilling and where all the story falls into place and the answer reveals.. i think its not worth my ten bucks for the movie at all! maybe 6 is okay, haha! not what i really expected though.. the movie is a little disappointing from i thought..
Haha! My zi lian photos! Has been sometime since i post photos! hehe.. Now all at one shot! =)

I don't love you like i do anymore.. But some how im feeling uneasy about myself.. Im feeling what i've been denying to myself.. I know im feeling guilty and really bad about myself.. Im just having self-denial in me.. in whatever i do.. in whatever i think.. I have to face it anyway, and i shall be.. For all the ridiculous things i've done, i shld stop i guess.. I really don't want retribution to fall upon me.. This is how i feel now, when im alone ; in the bus, home.. 勉强的快乐, 是痛苦的. 隐瞒不如面对. 请让我静一静, 好吗?
I promise u that i will keep it to myself! =) Nothing to think about.. Just work for it and do what u want.. Everything that has to be.. And i will really do it! I will, I want, I wish!
Oh yeahh! finally back home at 3.08am.. and im so gonna blog about what happened!! =x started off from mi, tim and nickk catching a movie at downtown.. and the movie is The Dark Knight.. many many pple, full house for many time slots.. also they added extra threatres, luckily we got a time slot which is 11.45pm.. Its a awesome show with great storyline and but i had a torturous and bad experience in the theatre.. its about the bad seating i had! Omg! or shld i say its bad because of the person sitting beside mi.. we had a game and our seats were then decided.. i thought the seat beside mi would be empty.. so i was laughing at tim, because of the person beside him.. and i was thinking please dun be so unlucky!! and wow!! here come my retribution! i was even more unlucky! seriously OMG! and i got laughed back of course! the smell of the person beside mi was horrible and it just stinks so much lah! the smell is like bad breathe and stinking fingers; The Aftermath Of Smoking, with a addition of burnt curry smell.. mixing them together totally smell like shit okay!! no one can ever imagine that smell lah! Maybe some pple can.. i hav been sitting there for 2 and a half hour.. Omg! i felt really pissed but im so helpless as well lah! really wanted to say excuse me, u stink man! Fuck! and then i shall change seat, but its FULL HOUSE!! OMG!! haiz.. i was trying so hard to pay attention and understand the storyline.. the smell distracted mi and make mi lose concentration.. super super helpless!!! =( oh man! i've learnt my lesson! and everytime he breathe out so much of his AIR.. WAAA!! KILL ME!! when he does that, i become no air no air!! Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air! It's so hard for me to breathe! You took my breath, but I survived!! and everytime he moves, the 'fragrance' will come to mi.. i leaned so so so close to my friend.. rather look gay than smelling the shit! but but, the show is soo good that i couldnt let my eyes and ass out.. love the storyline and some of the things they said.. Joker and Batman are damn cool lah! But the Joker is soo sadist and crazy yet damn damn smart lah! i think edison chan is filmed 1 second in the movie.. Catch The Dark Knight alrights! =) anyways.. the smell lingers in my nose and mind.. it kinda sucks and i hate it! though its bad to comment lah! but i couldnt take it, seriously! hmm.. the show is really worth watching!! So must remember to catch The Dark Knight!! haha! =)
Oh Man! Went to hav steamboat at bugis.. eat and eat!! omg! sooo dead lah! i wanna go jogging and tanning real soon! haha! =) hmm.. took some photos yeahh! but i look kinda tired and fat lo.. hmm.. its okay i guess! =)
i did tried to smile man.. hehe.. =) hmm.. had really lots of fun and food.. but i prefer eating sushi though.. haha! =P i need sports!! i wanna slim down alittle.. hehe.. guess it is time to control my diet.. =)
has been eating alot these few days.. everything seems alrights but its not alright.. hmm.. really dun wanna eat so much.. im worry that i will grow fat! Omg!! Argghhh! think i shld balance my diet and life instead.. i shld really adjust my diet and stuffs.. Meepok or Pratas 2-3 times a week in the midnight.. No money plus bad for health! i wanna upload photos and videos soon! hehe.. anyways.. i got to know one singer from russia named Vitas.. Omg! his voice is insane lah! its really high and beautiful but i dun understand anything he sang lah! and i dun understand why he has to scream so loud and sharp! their music is unique and different.. a liitle old school i think.. but its kinda like pop & opera i think.. hahas! u can see him in youtube.. just type Vitas! hahas.. =) he's a great singer and has ultra high voice.. but his dance seems rather odd actually.. haha.. =P i prefer the third one personally.. =) check it out here..
hmm.. went to watch Red Cliff at ehub! Omg! its a incredible movie with great actors.. 2 and a half hours well spent in the movie! =) but its pretty late because we dint expect to end at 12am plus.. Really love the way they talks and their strategies used in war.. looking forward to The Dark Knight! =) i also wanna watch HellBoy2! hahas.. before the movie, we went to the arcade.. my friend went to play the catching machine.. he wanted to catch one for friend as Bday present.. there's one uncle who is very pro.. he catch like 2 plastic bags full of soft toys.. we observed and learnt from him.. haha! my friend spent 8bucks and catch about a 1.5litres tall Winnie the Pooh! there's like so many pple there lah! then when we caught the soft toy.. i took the soft toy and hold it above my head then walk around the arcade.. then cheer for myself.. haha! retard sia! =P Omg! after that we went to watch movie.. after the show i went to meet tim, ivan and their friend.. slack and chill awhile then they had to leave.. luckily they had a scooter.. thanks guys.. =) i skate my way back to downtown east to meet cherlyn after her work.. meet her so that i could pass her back her long lost ipod! hahas.. anyways.. thank you for lending mi ur ipod! i really appreciated it and i know u love ur ipod very much.. hahas! it has accompanied mi for awhile.. guess shld go back to its owner.. =) had a talk with her then i went home.. rushing home while controlling my pee! hahas. reach home around 3 i guess and did some push ups.. i lie on my mattress and rest before bathing.. then i fell asleep.. hahas.. omg!
hmm.. im here to write something about what i posted before.. but i deleted it so i wanted to blog it back due to a request.. anyways.. i also wanna blog about this issue.. hmm.. that time was blogging about a friend's irresponsibe and irritating character.. was damn pissed off previously lah! until i got back my money.. so pissed off because he doesnt pick ups call nor he reply msgs.. i needed the money lah then he keep ignoring mi.. missed call him and sent him many msgs.. obviously he dint answer any of them.. until until one msg our friend sent him!! this message goes like this.. Eh, i hav a job 10hours per hour, u want? AND WOW!! he replied like the damn msg!! wth! hmm.. but its a prank lah! just wanna him to reply.. hehe.. =) this obviously show how practical and bastard he is.. i lend him 50bucks and another friend lent him 70bucks.. his reason was i nid to pay for my phone bills.. so we lent him the money lah! after he solved his problems, we are forgotten already! this teach mi to lend money to the right person next time! and no more to him.. he so fucking bastard lah! imagine when he nid help then come u.. then asked him return money takes like ages.. in the end i was so pissed and irritating then i called his house.. and i tell his mum about the debts.. so he returned mi the money lo.. then i said thanks daniel phua.. =) hmm.. so he told mi his phone is spolit and stuffs.. gave same excuses to mi and my friend, Scott.. he was super pissed off too! hope this is a helpful msg.. if he dun reply, send him a job opportunity of 12hours per hours.. 4mins and he can reply le i think.. anyways.. i have a different feeling to blog about him because i was not as angry as that time.. but i surely can feel how my friend feels.. its kinda guo he cai qiao, wang en fu yi! hahas.. okay lah! dun so bad.. also nothing much to say..
My friends made mi think deeper and more.. Being able to think for others.. Friends are just a simple connection between two people.. Yet their care and support can be so ever helpful and encouraging.. no matter how bad the situation can be sometimes.. we forgive and learn from our mistakes.. im really touched and felt support from my closer friends with some heart-to-heart talks.. Not much of my friends exactly know how i feel besides little of them.. Bits and pieces of my feelings with different pple.. because im not really sure of how i feel actually.. More to some, Lesser to the rest.. I cant exactly describe how i feel when im asked with the question why? what happened? so all this while i have been thinking and reflecting.. and just so happened i had a deep talk that night..that night my feelings of how i felt was so filled and wanted to come out so much.. doubt anyone can guess who the person is.. anyways.. we had related situation and stuffs so we had a great talk.. u struck my mind with things that u hav said.. though u're simple but i know u're clever in ur way.. i really love that thing in u.. those thoughts u hav.. its something that not much people hav or they may hav lost it.. i know u believe in urself and hav faith in urself.. and must work hard for ur studies! its ur last sem and u're gonna graduate! Jia You & all the best! =) anyways..u told mi sometimes its not that u dunno, its just that u dun want to bother.. =) i dunno why, but i love what u said.. haha! im silly.. =P dint expect we could talk so well and much.. haha! =) Many of my feelings was poured on that day and seems to be in a piece.. Im really thankful though u said its weird to sound formal.. hahas.. anyways.. hope to see u soon or have a chat again! =) hmm.. of course not to forget timothy, chris, and dominic.. thank you too! Tim, i really appreciated ur company through the nights.. i really dread to say this, but u're my brother! hahas.. Omg! Hmm.. the talks with u guys gave mi inspirations and guidances in my life.. im sorry if i hav offended u guys or anyone..
oh yeahh oh yeahh!! =) its time to blog about my sentosa trip! hahas.. hmm.. i shld start with.. IM EARLY!! at least earlier on that day.. the time to meet is 10am and i reach there at 10.10am! hehe.. so we started with eating breakfast and walk awhile.. =)
This Is ME.. ArgghH!! and yeahh! we reach sentosa!! haha! =) glad that the weather dint let us down.. hehe.. so we started walking to siloso beach.. had really lots of fun and many laughters.. and alot alot of photos taken by us..

Me. Joanne. Janice Joanne. Janice. Eugene
Wendy. Wei Ping. Me
It is us at the beach volleyball.. Can u spot me? =)
Another activity The Luge Ride! this is super fun but abit scary when going up the ride.. im kinda afraid of height lah! omg! no safety belts and so high! Coming down is like go kart.. FUN!! =)
what a height, what a scenery! scary yet beautiful lo.. anyways.. that day is really my pimple red day.. Omg! Due to insufficient sleep, my face has red marks and look bad on photo! ArgggghHHH!! But the photo-taking is soo fun.. hahas.. though my hair nv style lah! =) so after strolling along the beach, soaking ourselves in the seawater, playing in the water,talking there as well, i tried sun-tanning! Failure lah.. we went to bath.. the shitty part is i dun get to shower.. =( i only rinse myself with water lah! Omg! when its my turn to shower, they ran out of water!! like wth! lah.. i got so suay anot..
ohh ohh! Photos Photos! =)

 This is already on our back to vivo already.. half-way through we went to sight-see lo.. dint take any photos there cuz no mood.. So after all the photo-taking in Sentosa..
We went to Food Republic in Vivo City and hav our dinner there! Really love taking photos lah! More in Food Republic.. it is them again!
but there's something unusual at the pic below.. its unintentional but its quite funny.. besides giving so much of ur focus on mi and her! =P take a good look at the background of us.. enlarge to hav a better view!
so after havinf our dinner at Food Republic..
we went Daiso and the Pet Shop.. then my friends went to check somethings and window shop awhile.. after doing their stuffs.. we went to PCC.. hahas.. Ermm.. its Pacific Coffee Company hor!

Pacific Coffee Company at Vivo is really a nice place to slack.. the ambience was great and its comfy there.. its a great place to chill with friends.. Had fun talking and taking photos with them.. More photos i wanna put here.. haha! i really felt happy with the accompany of my friends.. its really fun hanging out with them lah! Omg! i really miss u guys, thought we cant meet often but lets catch soon! the company, smiles and laughs are irreplaceable and cherished! =)
Hmm.. i think im giving myself too much excuses.. whatever i said is bullshit.. i've lie.. It's just i don't like her anymore.. i hav no more feelings for her.. maybe this is the answer.. i shld stop thinking so much.. and thats it.. it's over now.. i've got so little emotions now.. im neither sad nor happy.. just not feeling anything like i did before.. the feeling gauge bar is now 0% after i 've committed myself into a relationship i guess.. maybe i'll take some time before it fills it up again.. It's time to rest and look around.. i just wanna be quiet and enclose myself.. giving myself time to think and reflect.. i shall just keep it to myself.. =) im just not that good enough.. i really dunno what to say when u guys ask mi about the relationship..
Hmm.. went to Sentosa with my SIM friends! =) Omg! Its super fun and tiring lah! yet relaxing and chilling.. Its just a great and enjoyable outing with them.. Kinda miss them lah! haha! =) hmm.. shall update more on my next post after i receive the pics! yeahh! anyways.. thank you guys for the accompanying.. i hav kept quiet for quite awhile cuz im thinking of stuffs in my mind.. Sorry for being anti-social for that period.. Im pretty sure i need to think more and enlighten myself with more stuffs.. Its time to stop and really think! =) I hope i can get it one day! Hmm.. Pretty down and kinda emo.. But im sure its time to wake up.. Good Nights! =)
Ohh man! Movies coming soon! Gonna watch so many movies.. and im gonna be so broke.. but i dun care.. great to watch movie with many pple.. haha! The Mummy, Journey to the centre of the earth, Wall e, Money not enough.. but i guess most of my friends and i wont be staying out late i guess.. haha! at least im not gonna walk home alone, i'll take the last bus.. i dun care! had a gathering at michelle's house.. visit and play mahjong with her.. she stays at home the whole day.. she is so bored lah! ate many many stuffs.. Omg! i nid to exercise more! i wanna be tan! its such a fun and interesting day! my mild sore throat is such a hinder.. cant talk too much and laugh too pain.. though i hav sore throat, i still eat durian and chocolates! hope i can get well soon! =) hehe!
oh yeahh! finally can blog.. haha! hmm.. brother got my modem lah! anyways.. get to know a new friend from online.. so we kinda meet up with hui qi and went to watch movie with her sister as well.. my friend, nicholas was meeting an online friend as well.. so we kinda met and hav movie together.. with timothy and his friend.. so together we went to watch x files i want to believe! wanted to catch hellboy2 but left only the first row! sad lah! i shall leave it to the ending of my post to say about the movie.. the day was pretty fun and interesting.. haha! kinda meeting someone u dunno, yeah, its that kind of uncertainty feeling.. nervous and yet looking forward to.. glad mine was much better than nicholas's.. im sorry for being such a bastard to say this.. but its kinda relieve lah! hahas.. so watch movie together, ate at Billy Bombers, went to Suntec City's arcade.. we took some photos as well.. haha! =) pretty enjoyable day and had lots of fun.. great to know u and u're really easy to talk to and friendly.. its my pleasure to know u and laugh together.. and thanks for the ice cream.. haha! could hav been better if the fireworks rehearsal was not cancelled lah! The picture of mi waiting for my ice cream waffle at Billy Bombers..
My ice cream! where's my ice cream!?

Guess the food is yummy! Hui Qi and Me, before departing! =)

Her sister and her..
Me and my buddy, nicholas! LOL..
This picture shows what happen when u wanna take a photo but the bus has arrived at the bus stop and u wanna say EH!, the bus come le! Omg!
Finally about X files: i want to believe.. hmm.. kinda not really interesting.. just a serial murderer who is gay and wanna help his gay partner.. he did some stuffs lah! killing pple and gathering body parts.. which i think is the main part of the story.. so obviously he did something with the parts and stuffs.. and a man with psychic powers who can feel some visions of the murder scenes.. they investigate and stuffs, and a little religious stuffs as well.. hmm.. so its quite boring at previous scenes.. towards the end is quite thrilling and where all the story falls into place and the answer reveals.. i think its not worth my ten bucks for the movie at all! maybe 6 is okay, haha! not what i really expected though.. the movie is a little disappointing from i thought..
Haha! My zi lian photos! Has been sometime since i post photos! hehe.. Now all at one shot! =)

I don't love you like i do anymore.. But some how im feeling uneasy about myself.. Im feeling what i've been denying to myself.. I know im feeling guilty and really bad about myself.. Im just having self-denial in me.. in whatever i do.. in whatever i think.. I have to face it anyway, and i shall be.. For all the ridiculous things i've done, i shld stop i guess.. I really don't want retribution to fall upon me.. This is how i feel now, when im alone ; in the bus, home.. 勉强的快乐, 是痛苦的. 隐瞒不如面对. 请让我静一静, 好吗?
I promise u that i will keep it to myself! =) Nothing to think about.. Just work for it and do what u want.. Everything that has to be.. And i will really do it! I will, I want, I wish!
Oh yeahh! finally back home at 3.08am.. and im so gonna blog about what happened!! =x started off from mi, tim and nickk catching a movie at downtown.. and the movie is The Dark Knight.. many many pple, full house for many time slots.. also they added extra threatres, luckily we got a time slot which is 11.45pm.. Its a awesome show with great storyline and but i had a torturous and bad experience in the theatre.. its about the bad seating i had! Omg! or shld i say its bad because of the person sitting beside mi.. we had a game and our seats were then decided.. i thought the seat beside mi would be empty.. so i was laughing at tim, because of the person beside him.. and i was thinking please dun be so unlucky!! and wow!! here come my retribution! i was even more unlucky! seriously OMG! and i got laughed back of course! the smell of the person beside mi was horrible and it just stinks so much lah! the smell is like bad breathe and stinking fingers; The Aftermath Of Smoking, with a addition of burnt curry smell.. mixing them together totally smell like shit okay!! no one can ever imagine that smell lah! Maybe some pple can.. i hav been sitting there for 2 and a half hour.. Omg! i felt really pissed but im so helpless as well lah! really wanted to say excuse me, u stink man! Fuck! and then i shall change seat, but its FULL HOUSE!! OMG!! haiz.. i was trying so hard to pay attention and understand the storyline.. the smell distracted mi and make mi lose concentration.. super super helpless!!! =( oh man! i've learnt my lesson! and everytime he breathe out so much of his AIR.. WAAA!! KILL ME!! when he does that, i become no air no air!! Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air! It's so hard for me to breathe! You took my breath, but I survived!! and everytime he moves, the 'fragrance' will come to mi.. i leaned so so so close to my friend.. rather look gay than smelling the shit! but but, the show is soo good that i couldnt let my eyes and ass out.. love the storyline and some of the things they said.. Joker and Batman are damn cool lah! But the Joker is soo sadist and crazy yet damn damn smart lah! i think edison chan is filmed 1 second in the movie.. Catch The Dark Knight alrights! =) anyways.. the smell lingers in my nose and mind.. it kinda sucks and i hate it! though its bad to comment lah! but i couldnt take it, seriously! hmm.. the show is really worth watching!! So must remember to catch The Dark Knight!! haha! =)
Oh Man! Went to hav steamboat at bugis.. eat and eat!! omg! sooo dead lah! i wanna go jogging and tanning real soon! haha! =) hmm.. took some photos yeahh! but i look kinda tired and fat lo.. hmm.. its okay i guess! =)
i did tried to smile man.. hehe.. =) hmm.. had really lots of fun and food.. but i prefer eating sushi though.. haha! =P i need sports!! i wanna slim down alittle.. hehe.. guess it is time to control my diet.. =)
has been eating alot these few days.. everything seems alrights but its not alright.. hmm.. really dun wanna eat so much.. im worry that i will grow fat! Omg!! Argghhh! think i shld balance my diet and life instead.. i shld really adjust my diet and stuffs.. Meepok or Pratas 2-3 times a week in the midnight.. No money plus bad for health! i wanna upload photos and videos soon! hehe.. anyways.. i got to know one singer from russia named Vitas.. Omg! his voice is insane lah! its really high and beautiful but i dun understand anything he sang lah! and i dun understand why he has to scream so loud and sharp! their music is unique and different.. a liitle old school i think.. but its kinda like pop & opera i think.. hahas! u can see him in youtube.. just type Vitas! hahas.. =) he's a great singer and has ultra high voice.. but his dance seems rather odd actually.. haha.. =P i prefer the third one personally.. =) check it out here..
hmm.. went to watch Red Cliff at ehub! Omg! its a incredible movie with great actors.. 2 and a half hours well spent in the movie! =) but its pretty late because we dint expect to end at 12am plus.. Really love the way they talks and their strategies used in war.. looking forward to The Dark Knight! =) i also wanna watch HellBoy2! hahas.. before the movie, we went to the arcade.. my friend went to play the catching machine.. he wanted to catch one for friend as Bday present.. there's one uncle who is very pro.. he catch like 2 plastic bags full of soft toys.. we observed and learnt from him.. haha! my friend spent 8bucks and catch about a 1.5litres tall Winnie the Pooh! there's like so many pple there lah! then when we caught the soft toy.. i took the soft toy and hold it above my head then walk around the arcade.. then cheer for myself.. haha! retard sia! =P Omg! after that we went to watch movie.. after the show i went to meet tim, ivan and their friend.. slack and chill awhile then they had to leave.. luckily they had a scooter.. thanks guys.. =) i skate my way back to downtown east to meet cherlyn after her work.. meet her so that i could pass her back her long lost ipod! hahas.. anyways.. thank you for lending mi ur ipod! i really appreciated it and i know u love ur ipod very much.. hahas! it has accompanied mi for awhile.. guess shld go back to its owner.. =) had a talk with her then i went home.. rushing home while controlling my pee! hahas. reach home around 3 i guess and did some push ups.. i lie on my mattress and rest before bathing.. then i fell asleep.. hahas.. omg!
hmm.. im here to write something about what i posted before.. but i deleted it so i wanted to blog it back due to a request.. anyways.. i also wanna blog about this issue.. hmm.. that time was blogging about a friend's irresponsibe and irritating character.. was damn pissed off previously lah! until i got back my money.. so pissed off because he doesnt pick ups call nor he reply msgs.. i needed the money lah then he keep ignoring mi.. missed call him and sent him many msgs.. obviously he dint answer any of them.. until until one msg our friend sent him!! this message goes like this.. Eh, i hav a job 10hours per hour, u want? AND WOW!! he replied like the damn msg!! wth! hmm.. but its a prank lah! just wanna him to reply.. hehe.. =) this obviously show how practical and bastard he is.. i lend him 50bucks and another friend lent him 70bucks.. his reason was i nid to pay for my phone bills.. so we lent him the money lah! after he solved his problems, we are forgotten already! this teach mi to lend money to the right person next time! and no more to him.. he so fucking bastard lah! imagine when he nid help then come u.. then asked him return money takes like ages.. in the end i was so pissed and irritating then i called his house.. and i tell his mum about the debts.. so he returned mi the money lo.. then i said thanks daniel phua.. =) hmm.. so he told mi his phone is spolit and stuffs.. gave same excuses to mi and my friend, Scott.. he was super pissed off too! hope this is a helpful msg.. if he dun reply, send him a job opportunity of 12hours per hours.. 4mins and he can reply le i think.. anyways.. i have a different feeling to blog about him because i was not as angry as that time.. but i surely can feel how my friend feels.. its kinda guo he cai qiao, wang en fu yi! hahas.. okay lah! dun so bad.. also nothing much to say..
My friends made mi think deeper and more.. Being able to think for others.. Friends are just a simple connection between two people.. Yet their care and support can be so ever helpful and encouraging.. no matter how bad the situation can be sometimes.. we forgive and learn from our mistakes.. im really touched and felt support from my closer friends with some heart-to-heart talks.. Not much of my friends exactly know how i feel besides little of them.. Bits and pieces of my feelings with different pple.. because im not really sure of how i feel actually.. More to some, Lesser to the rest.. I cant exactly describe how i feel when im asked with the question why? what happened? so all this while i have been thinking and reflecting.. and just so happened i had a deep talk that night..that night my feelings of how i felt was so filled and wanted to come out so much.. doubt anyone can guess who the person is.. anyways.. we had related situation and stuffs so we had a great talk.. u struck my mind with things that u hav said.. though u're simple but i know u're clever in ur way.. i really love that thing in u.. those thoughts u hav.. its something that not much people hav or they may hav lost it.. i know u believe in urself and hav faith in urself.. and must work hard for ur studies! its ur last sem and u're gonna graduate! Jia You & all the best! =) anyways..u told mi sometimes its not that u dunno, its just that u dun want to bother.. =) i dunno why, but i love what u said.. haha! im silly.. =P dint expect we could talk so well and much.. haha! =) Many of my feelings was poured on that day and seems to be in a piece.. Im really thankful though u said its weird to sound formal.. hahas.. anyways.. hope to see u soon or have a chat again! =) hmm.. of course not to forget timothy, chris, and dominic.. thank you too! Tim, i really appreciated ur company through the nights.. i really dread to say this, but u're my brother! hahas.. Omg! Hmm.. the talks with u guys gave mi inspirations and guidances in my life.. im sorry if i hav offended u guys or anyone..
oh yeahh oh yeahh!! =) its time to blog about my sentosa trip! hahas.. hmm.. i shld start with.. IM EARLY!! at least earlier on that day.. the time to meet is 10am and i reach there at 10.10am! hehe.. so we started with eating breakfast and walk awhile.. =)
This Is ME.. ArgghH!! and yeahh! we reach sentosa!! haha! =) glad that the weather dint let us down.. hehe.. so we started walking to siloso beach.. had really lots of fun and many laughters.. and alot alot of photos taken by us..

Me. Joanne. Janice Joanne. Janice. Eugene
Wendy. Wei Ping. Me
It is us at the beach volleyball.. Can u spot me? =)
Another activity The Luge Ride! this is super fun but abit scary when going up the ride.. im kinda afraid of height lah! omg! no safety belts and so high! Coming down is like go kart.. FUN!! =)
what a height, what a scenery! scary yet beautiful lo.. anyways.. that day is really my pimple red day.. Omg! Due to insufficient sleep, my face has red marks and look bad on photo! ArgggghHHH!! But the photo-taking is soo fun.. hahas.. though my hair nv style lah! =) so after strolling along the beach, soaking ourselves in the seawater, playing in the water,talking there as well, i tried sun-tanning! Failure lah.. we went to bath.. the shitty part is i dun get to shower.. =( i only rinse myself with water lah! Omg! when its my turn to shower, they ran out of water!! like wth! lah.. i got so suay anot..
ohh ohh! Photos Photos! =)

 This is already on our back to vivo already.. half-way through we went to sight-see lo.. dint take any photos there cuz no mood.. So after all the photo-taking in Sentosa..
We went to Food Republic in Vivo City and hav our dinner there! Really love taking photos lah! More in Food Republic.. it is them again!
but there's something unusual at the pic below.. its unintentional but its quite funny.. besides giving so much of ur focus on mi and her! =P take a good look at the background of us.. enlarge to hav a better view!
so after havinf our dinner at Food Republic..
we went Daiso and the Pet Shop.. then my friends went to check somethings and window shop awhile.. after doing their stuffs.. we went to PCC.. hahas.. Ermm.. its Pacific Coffee Company hor!

Pacific Coffee Company at Vivo is really a nice place to slack.. the ambience was great and its comfy there.. its a great place to chill with friends.. Had fun talking and taking photos with them.. More photos i wanna put here.. haha! i really felt happy with the accompany of my friends.. its really fun hanging out with them lah! Omg! i really miss u guys, thought we cant meet often but lets catch soon! the company, smiles and laughs are irreplaceable and cherished! =)
Hmm.. i think im giving myself too much excuses.. whatever i said is bullshit.. i've lie.. It's just i don't like her anymore.. i hav no more feelings for her.. maybe this is the answer.. i shld stop thinking so much.. and thats it.. it's over now.. i've got so little emotions now.. im neither sad nor happy.. just not feeling anything like i did before.. the feeling gauge bar is now 0% after i 've committed myself into a relationship i guess.. maybe i'll take some time before it fills it up again.. It's time to rest and look around.. i just wanna be quiet and enclose myself.. giving myself time to think and reflect.. i shall just keep it to myself.. =) im just not that good enough.. i really dunno what to say when u guys ask mi about the relationship..
Hmm.. went to Sentosa with my SIM friends! =) Omg! Its super fun and tiring lah! yet relaxing and chilling.. Its just a great and enjoyable outing with them.. Kinda miss them lah! haha! =) hmm.. shall update more on my next post after i receive the pics! yeahh! anyways.. thank you guys for the accompanying.. i hav kept quiet for quite awhile cuz im thinking of stuffs in my mind.. Sorry for being anti-social for that period.. Im pretty sure i need to think more and enlighten myself with more stuffs.. Its time to stop and really think! =) I hope i can get it one day! Hmm.. Pretty down and kinda emo.. But im sure its time to wake up.. Good Nights! =)
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This is a new post.Welcome 2010 and Goodbye to 200...
hey hey!!once again has been so long since i blog!...
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This is the birthday girl Ah Hui!!Happy Birthday ...
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Lovely First Month Anniversary! =)Had dinner at th...
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Keith wongkoksin
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27 October 1990
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